Part of studying law is learning how to digest cases. If you are a first year student the idea is totally new. You could be surprised of the number of cases that each professor will assign to you. Now, you are in panic of what you should do.
Case Digest
- a written summary of the case.
- helps in separating issues
- focus only on certain relevant issue- a useful study aid (no need to go back on cases just to remember)
Parts of the Digest:
1. Caption - must include the date it was decided and citation.Includes the petitioner, respondent, and ponente of the case.
2. Facts - pinpoint the determinative facts. Do not include all the facts.
3. Procedural History - what has happened procedurally in the casea. Case filings. Motions of summary judgement. Court rulings. Trials and verdicts or judgment
4. Issues - must be answerable by yes or no.
Ex. "Is the contract void?"Or use "Whether..."
The answer in the question has to be answered into the ruling.
5. Ruling - usually "yes" or "no".Look for the lines in the opinion that answers the issue.
Reasoning - why the court ruled that way, tracing the reasons step by step.
Pyramid rule in answering essays.
i. Conclusion
ii. Cite particular law
iii. Application of the law (jurisprudence)
6. Concurring and Dissenting Opinions