FACTS: This is a matter for admission to the bar and
oath taking of a successful bar applicant. Petitioner Al Caparros Argosino was
previously involved with hazing which caused the death of Raul Camaligan a
neophyte during fraternity initiation rites but he was convicted for Reckless
Imprudence Resulting in Homicide. He was sentenced with 2 years and 4 months of
imprisonment where he applied a probation thereafter which was approved and
granted by the court. He took the bar exam and passed but was not allowed to
take the oath. He filed for a petition to allow him to take the lawyer’s oath
of office and to admit him to the practice of law averring that his probation
was already terminated. The court note that he spent only 10 months of the
probation period before it was terminated.
ISSUE: Whether or not Al Argosino may take the lawyer’s
oath office and admit him to the practice of law.
HELD: The practice of law is a privilege granted only to
those who possess the STRICT, INTELLECTUAL and MORAL QUALIFICATIONS required of
lawyers who are instruments in the effective and efficient administration of
justice. The court upheld the principle of maintaining the good moral character
of all Bar members, keeping in mind that such is of greater importance so far
as the general public and the proper administration of justice are concerned.
Hence he was asked by the court to produce evidence that would certify that he
has reformed and has become a responsible member of the community through sworn
statements of individuals who have a good reputation for truth and who have
actually known Mr. Argosino for a significant period of time to certify that he
is morally fit to the admission of the law profession. The petitioner is then
allowed to take the lawyer’s oath, sign the Roll of Attorney’s and thereafter
to practice the legal profession.